The Virtual Village

Now, you know that this is the epitome of what a fulfilling online community feels like and even though that class was so special, you hope that you will be blessed with the chance to be fulfilled, over and over again.
18 Nov 2022

What a Fulfilling Online Community Feels Like

Now, you know that this is the epitome of what a fulfilling online community feels like and even though that…

<!-- wp:paragraph {"fontSize":"medium"} --> <p class="has-medium-font-size">I can’t get no satisfaction is the line in a very popular pop song.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph {"fontSize":"medium"} --> <p class="has-medium-font-size">I used to feel that way about teaching online until I figured out that the only way to make it satisfying was to think about all of the things that I love about teaching and to find a way to include those things in my online courses.
20 May 2020

How to Make Online Group Activities Work Well

I can’t get no satisfaction is the line in a very popular pop song. I used to feel that way…