Hello, HEO!
I hope your week has started off well and you are ready to write with me. This week, we are focusing on our facilitation skills and I am thrilled about it. One of the things that consumes me when I teach is making learning easy or easier. That has always been the case for as long as I can remember. In my F.A.C.E. Method Mini-Course, I share a story about a boy named Adam in my first-grade class who yelled out in such a loving way during a math lesson. He proclaimed, “Ms. Alston, you always make learning so easy!”
True story. (I share all of the details in the “facilitate” lesson of the course, but that is the moral of the story.)
I am here to tell you, that was one of THE most memorable days in my teaching career. No wonder I was drawn to learning more about curriculum and instruction in graduate school and then went on to focus on instructional design and technology for my final degree. I would have never thought that my path would have led me to degrees with these concentrations because I longed to be a child psychologist from around the age of 16 to 23, but then as I taught first and second grade, my desires changed and I knew that I wanted to study this science of teaching well, if you will.
That brings us to today’s post which includes the session that was held this past Saturday on my YouTube channel. It is all about helping you identify areas to reflect on each week as it pertains to making learning easy, no matter what type of courses you are teaching–online, hybrid, or face-to-face. It is about realizing that through weekly reflection on this very core responsibility, you will become more and more skilled at delivering, shaping, molding, and offering learning experiences that mean something to students because they actually LEARN.
Ahhhh…what a feeling! Watching that lightbulb go off in a student’s head and knowing that you paid the light bill that allowed it to happen. No, but seriously, teaching, real teaching is facilitation. So, let me stop typing so that you can grab your journal, your pen, or the downloadable version of The Professor’s Week in Review (which I call the WIRe Journal for short) and enjoy this time with me.
If you have not subscribed to the channel, please join the HEO family. Also, if you have not ordered your journal, click any of the links below:
- My Publisher: https://bit.ly/thewirejournal
- Amazon: https://amzn.to/40W4U4y
- Fillable PDF: https://bit.ly/thefillablewire
Now, without further ado….