Kellie Alston

Write with Me | Fostering Fulfillment Through Gratitude

Hi, HEO!

Can you believe that it is September 1st, already? It seems like time is passing so quickly. Labor Day Weekend is here which means there are only four more months left in 2023.

So, let me ask you a question. What role does gratitude play in your life?  Are you an inherently grateful person? Is it something that you think about daily? Well, today’s post is special because it is about one of the most significant subjects in the world.  I had planned to write quite a bit about it but I believe the video provides a more powerful visual and explanation than what I could type here. I always enjoy creating videos and sharing my ideas and experiences, but this video turned out to be more special to me than all of the others in the series.

It is based on the prompt in The WIRe Journal that asks, “What are you grateful for this week?” If you have not purchased your journal yet, you are missing out on a treat. The journal is a transformative tool that will truly enhance your life (and I am not just saying that because I created it).

So, without further ado, here are the links for purchasing the journal:

My Publisher: (Discounts for orders of 10 or more)


Fillable PDF:

And now the next voice you will here will be mine. Thank you for watching! I truly hope this video is thought-provoking and blesses you on this Friday before Labor Day.

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