Happy Sunday, HEO!
Today is a wonderful day to talk about HOPE and to investigate where you stand when it comes to your level of hope. After reflecting on so many areas via the nine prompts in the journal, this new series focuses on bonus sections in The Professor’s Week in Review: A Journal for Weekly Reflections on The Higher Ed Experience. The particular activity of today’s focus provides an exercise that helps you strengthen your hope about this semester. You have the opportunity to use your imagination to do something often referred to as “scripting.” Yes!!! You are going to write about your hopes and desires for the upcoming semester as if they have already happened. You are going to imagine that it is December and the semester is over. You may think of it as creative writing but is a proven, powerful exercise that impacts your subconscious mind. It will impact how you perceive and persevere through the semester if you let it. Well, I have given you the gist of the activity but I do think it is important for you to watch the video because it explains some thought-provoking principles before the writing activity begins.
In the video, I will discuss:
- The Power of Your Mind
- The Power of Your Imagination
- The Power of Hope
Oh, how I wish these concepts were taught in school, church, and anywhere human beings convene to learn, but unfortunately, they are not. How is it that the most important concepts for a satisfying life are not shared with us with so much “education” available? It is normally through self-education that we learn the most significant things about life.
If you have not ordered your journal, please use the links below to access your copy. I promise you that you will enjoy the experience of tracking your journey through deep reflection this semester and the semesters to come.
My Publisher: https://bit.ly/thewirejournal (Receive discounts when you buy 10, 20, or more journals from my publisher, Vervante.)
Amazon: https://amzn.to/40W4U4y
Fillable PDF: https://bit.ly/thefillablewire.
Enjoy the video and please feel free to share comments here or on YouTube.